Chiclayo Peru

Chiclayo Peru

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Salvation Message

Today was a very interesting day at Ciudad de Dios. As we were getting ready to play volley ball, we realized that it would be impossible because of the number of girls who wanted to play. We formed 2 teams of girls (6-7 years old) and played ball with them. We took the girls to VBS because we had too many. Tera and Julia had them engaged in stories and coloring. Julia was also teaching them songs and English 101.
At 5pm, I was blessed with the opportunity to present the Salvation message to the adults. I felt pretty confident until I saw the numbers of women growing in the room. Julia translated the message very well. We asked questions and they answered with knowledge. Majority of the women prayed and received Jesus Christ as their Savior. At the end, Doris request for us to pray for her. Doris had a stroke 2 years ago and is paralyzed on her left side. Daniel prayed for her. It was very neat to see all members of the group layed their hands on her. I believe that Doris was blessed by our presence. God is good.
It was truly a pleasure for me to be at Ciudado de Dios. The community showed us love. Some of us got cooked meal from the school teachers. One of the ladies expressed that her daughter and her were happy that I visited them. They enjoyed my interacting with the children and as a result, she wanted to give me a present (necklace and earrings). This was awesome.
I am very happy that I am apart the Peru Missions Team.

God Bless!!!!

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Chiclayo Information

Chiclayo is a city on the northern coastal plain in Peru. It is 95 feet above sea level. The city population is approximately 546,054 while the metropolitan area is approximately 910,255. Chiclayo was founded in 1560 as a rural Indian village by a Spanish priest. Until the 19th century, Chiclayo remained a small town in comparison to the nearby city of Lambayeque. However, the city of Chiclayo has since grown to become a major modern metropolis. It is Peru's fourth largest city.
According to THE PROJECT DIRECTOR METROPOLITAN "CHICLAYO 2020" , will contemplate Chiclayo in future eight districts, which nowadays are the six of the central nucleus and two of the integrated discontinuous area of expansion of Chiclayo's city:

1.-The districts the City (Central Nucleus) at present: Chiclayo, Jose Leonardo Ortiz, The Victory, Pomalca, Pimentel, and Reque. Population urban = 546 054 Inhabitants.

2.-The districts , the Integrated discontinuous Area: San José (in Lambayeque) and Picsi. At present Chiclayo's city has a light trend and urban development projection of urban expansion to these two districts.All these districts were projected in form planned to 2020 for a future integration.

3.- Chiclayo a spatial urban area of has 30 km : Lambayeque, Ferreñafe, Monsefú , Picci, San José, Tumán, pucalá, Pátapo, Eten , Port Eten , Mochumi, Pítipo, Zaña, Cayaltí. Area metro population 910,255 Inhabitants.