Chiclayo Peru

Chiclayo Peru

Monday, June 2, 2008

Mission Support Letter

Dear Mission Support Team,

It’s almost time to go and we are getting very excited! In-country missionaries Juan and Alicia have been busy contacting local schools and setting up locations for us to do soccer camps with elementary aged children and vacation bible schools with preschoolers. They have told us to prepare for over 400 children! We praise God for opening these doors of ministry to us.

We are still putting the final details in place and preparing for our departure. We’ve ordered our supplies and we’re getting our vaccines. We’re trying to learn some songs in Spanish and we’re preparing our hearts for whatever God has for us to do. We ask that you continue to pray for us in these final weeks of preparation and especially while we are away.

Specific prayer needs:
· God’s blessing for Juan, Alicia and their family.
· The Holy Spirit to go before us and open the hearts of the children and parents we will meet.
· That our spiritual eyes would be open to God’s hand at work and that we would each be changed by our time in Peru.
· Health and safety as we travel. We will leave on June 21st.
· Safety and protection for our children and their caregivers left behind.

Thank you for your prayers and support for this ministry. We look forward to sharing with you when we return!

Serving Him,
Peru Mission Team

Come celebrate with us!

Please join us for our Missions Dinner
Wednesday, July 9th at 6:00pm
At First Baptist Church of New Tampa

We’ll be sharing photos and testimony from our Peru trip.
Come see how your prayers and financial support made an impact
on the people of Peru and on us!

Please RSVP to the church office (813-907-1685) by Friday, July 4th

We are located at 28125 County Line Rd. Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Just off Bruce B. Downs, across from Super Target--Inside Meadow Pointe Subdivision

Chiclayo Information

Chiclayo is a city on the northern coastal plain in Peru. It is 95 feet above sea level. The city population is approximately 546,054 while the metropolitan area is approximately 910,255. Chiclayo was founded in 1560 as a rural Indian village by a Spanish priest. Until the 19th century, Chiclayo remained a small town in comparison to the nearby city of Lambayeque. However, the city of Chiclayo has since grown to become a major modern metropolis. It is Peru's fourth largest city.
According to THE PROJECT DIRECTOR METROPOLITAN "CHICLAYO 2020" , will contemplate Chiclayo in future eight districts, which nowadays are the six of the central nucleus and two of the integrated discontinuous area of expansion of Chiclayo's city:

1.-The districts the City (Central Nucleus) at present: Chiclayo, Jose Leonardo Ortiz, The Victory, Pomalca, Pimentel, and Reque. Population urban = 546 054 Inhabitants.

2.-The districts , the Integrated discontinuous Area: San José (in Lambayeque) and Picsi. At present Chiclayo's city has a light trend and urban development projection of urban expansion to these two districts.All these districts were projected in form planned to 2020 for a future integration.

3.- Chiclayo a spatial urban area of has 30 km : Lambayeque, Ferreñafe, Monsefú , Picci, San José, Tumán, pucalá, Pátapo, Eten , Port Eten , Mochumi, Pítipo, Zaña, Cayaltí. Area metro population 910,255 Inhabitants.