Chiclayo Peru

Chiclayo Peru

Monday, June 23, 2008

Here we go!

Yolanda here...

Today is the first day we´ll get to spend with the kids, and I think we´re all ready for that! I am so excited to be able to play volleyball with the groups of older girls- that was such a special thing last time. I hope that I am able to have some one on one with them.

This trip so far has been much different from last time. The hotel is nice, we have been eating great restaurant meals, and I even got a hot shower this morning! It almost feels like this part is the vacation! I am sure I will be exhausted by tonight... out schedule is very busy. Please pray for strength and endurance for all of us!

Yesterday was incredibly long, but wonderful. We ended the day by going to a local church service. It was wonderful to worship with the local congregation, even though I understood very little of it (except for Mitch York`s LONG message!). It is cool that we are working with local churches!

Ok, it is time for breakfast, so I am going to take advantage of tea and toast!

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Chiclayo Information

Chiclayo is a city on the northern coastal plain in Peru. It is 95 feet above sea level. The city population is approximately 546,054 while the metropolitan area is approximately 910,255. Chiclayo was founded in 1560 as a rural Indian village by a Spanish priest. Until the 19th century, Chiclayo remained a small town in comparison to the nearby city of Lambayeque. However, the city of Chiclayo has since grown to become a major modern metropolis. It is Peru's fourth largest city.
According to THE PROJECT DIRECTOR METROPOLITAN "CHICLAYO 2020" , will contemplate Chiclayo in future eight districts, which nowadays are the six of the central nucleus and two of the integrated discontinuous area of expansion of Chiclayo's city:

1.-The districts the City (Central Nucleus) at present: Chiclayo, Jose Leonardo Ortiz, The Victory, Pomalca, Pimentel, and Reque. Population urban = 546 054 Inhabitants.

2.-The districts , the Integrated discontinuous Area: San José (in Lambayeque) and Picsi. At present Chiclayo's city has a light trend and urban development projection of urban expansion to these two districts.All these districts were projected in form planned to 2020 for a future integration.

3.- Chiclayo a spatial urban area of has 30 km : Lambayeque, Ferreñafe, Monsefú , Picci, San José, Tumán, pucalá, Pátapo, Eten , Port Eten , Mochumi, Pítipo, Zaña, Cayaltí. Area metro population 910,255 Inhabitants.