Chiclayo Peru

Chiclayo Peru

Friday, June 29, 2007

Shamon Updates Again!

OK, here it is Friday already and I have only had one hot shower since we left the states. The cold showers are starting to get a little old. We wrapped up todays camps and visits and had a wonderful time today. The way the camps work is that we start the day with a devotional for the kids, then play half a game. These kids can play! We then include devotionals during the day in between the half times and games. These kids really love to play and they will do it all day. They are really excited to see us show up in the mornings. It really touches your heart to see them interact with us and talk to us. We have now run four two day camps. The camps are in different areas, and we will have a "Copa de Peru" tomorrow where we have chosen twelve kids from each camp to represent their area in a tournament. That will be played tomorrow morning in the town sadium. The kids are really pumped about it. After the tournament we will give the winners some new balls and take all the kids and their parents out to eat.

For these camps, we broke down into two teams and each team ran two camps that were two days each. After the teams came back in today, we had a "Copa de Gringo" where a bunch of the local people watched us make fools of ourselves when we played each other. Andy´s team won, but only because the game was on concrete and the other team had been playing in the sand all week.

The funniest thing happened the other day, while playing the kids in one of the remote sites, Mitch York was putting the ball in play via a corner kick. Well, he ended up kicking the cow crap farther then the ball. Today, when we were playing, I was passed the ball and turned around to see that I was being covered by a cow. I was able to beat the cow to the ball though. This place is a hoot.

We spent some great time in prayer last night with everyone in our group and were able to take a few minutes to catch our breath and talk things trough. The group really enjoyed it, and needed it, we were able to use the time to refocus on why we were here. It is really easy to get lost in the busyness of what we are doing.

It is funny, almost everyone has decided that they will be back next year to do this again. This has just made such an impact on the communities and us. I am trying to talk Landy into moving down here with me and living in a adobe hut in the middle of nowhere. All we would need is a couple of chickens and a cow.


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Chiclayo Information

Chiclayo is a city on the northern coastal plain in Peru. It is 95 feet above sea level. The city population is approximately 546,054 while the metropolitan area is approximately 910,255. Chiclayo was founded in 1560 as a rural Indian village by a Spanish priest. Until the 19th century, Chiclayo remained a small town in comparison to the nearby city of Lambayeque. However, the city of Chiclayo has since grown to become a major modern metropolis. It is Peru's fourth largest city.
According to THE PROJECT DIRECTOR METROPOLITAN "CHICLAYO 2020" , will contemplate Chiclayo in future eight districts, which nowadays are the six of the central nucleus and two of the integrated discontinuous area of expansion of Chiclayo's city:

1.-The districts the City (Central Nucleus) at present: Chiclayo, Jose Leonardo Ortiz, The Victory, Pomalca, Pimentel, and Reque. Population urban = 546 054 Inhabitants.

2.-The districts , the Integrated discontinuous Area: San José (in Lambayeque) and Picsi. At present Chiclayo's city has a light trend and urban development projection of urban expansion to these two districts.All these districts were projected in form planned to 2020 for a future integration.

3.- Chiclayo a spatial urban area of has 30 km : Lambayeque, Ferreñafe, Monsefú , Picci, San José, Tumán, pucalá, Pátapo, Eten , Port Eten , Mochumi, Pítipo, Zaña, Cayaltí. Area metro population 910,255 Inhabitants.